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1. Definition of personal information

“Personal information” is information about a living individual that can identify a specific individual by the name, date of birth, or other description contained in the information, and can be easily collated with other information. It is something that can be done and thereby identify a specific individual.

2. Collection of personal information

Own words may collect personal information from customers when purchasing products or making inquiries.

When collecting these information, we will specify the purpose of use and follow legal standards to proceed with the information. This brand will not disclose or provide personal information to a third party without the consent of the customer. Personal information received remains protected to a high degree and will not be disclosed or retained anywhere after successful transactions have been made. Personal information will be retained in a protected process during pending transactions. A transaction is the full process beginning from the customer placing their orders and making payment, to the full duration available for any reports to make returns, exchanges and refunds. After this duration, we will consider the transaction successful. In the case where customers may still attempt to file a case for complaints, product inquiry, returns, exchanges, refunds AFTER the given duration, we need to retain some personal information from the customer to be able to backtrack on the order to proceed any investigations on the case required. However, this information will be fully protected and will not be used for any other purposes other than keeping transactional records for legal purposes and our brand protection.

Personal Information that may be asked by the brand:

a) Name
b) Address
c) Phone number
d) Email address
e) Password
f) Shipping information
g) Payment details
f) Transactional history with the brand
Any information that can be used to identify the customer in combination with any of the list above


3. Deal with personal information
Personal Information acquired will only be used for the purposes that follows:
・Confirmation and inquiry of order
・Confirmation and tracking of any transactions
・Confirmation and tracking of product shipment

In other extreme circumstances where these information need to be disclosed to the following:
・When required by law, by a governing national authority, by a local public entity or a person entrusted with the authority to cooperate in carrying out the affairs stipulated by law.
・When it is necessary to protect the life, body or property of a person and consent of the person is difficult to obtain.
・When exchanging personal data with an affiliated company of the company that operates with the brand such as shipping couriers.

    4. Security management of personal information

    For the safety management of personal information entrusted to us by our customers,the company will take rational, organisational, physical, human and technical measures, and this brand will handle personal information appropriately in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. We will endeavour to prevent risks such as unauthorised intrusion into data, loss, falsification, and leakage of personal information.

    5. Use of cookies

    The brand may use cookies to provide better service to you, but this does not allow us to collect personally identifiable information and does not infringe on your privacy.

    * A cookie is information that is sent from the server computer to your browser and stored on the hard disk of your computer.

    6. About using SSL

    When entering personal information, we use SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) technology to prevent interception, obstruction, or falsification of information in order to ensure security.

    * SSL is a function to send and receive information to prevent eavesdropping and data tampering by encrypting information. By using SSL, it is possible to send information more securely.

    7. Contact Us

    Own Words
    Website: https://own-words.com
    Email: info@own-words.com
    Adelaide, South Australia Australia
    Company Representative: Ryuta Hamamatsu

    8. Privacy Policy Changes

    When we change the personal information we collect, the purpose of use, or other privacy policies, we will announce the changes to this page.