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About us

Brand concept

Taking a step forward in living your life your own way.

Clothes that can be worn all over the world.

Brand concept

Taking a step forward in living
your life your own way.

Clothes that can be worn all over the world.

Our thought

Our society is drowned in expectations to be met, 
standards to be kept, and we are so easily influenced
by what we perceive as the “ideal life”. So much so,
that we find it surprisingly difficult to actually think about ourselves,
about what we really truly want and act on it to turn it in to a reality.
And yet, I want you to be reminded, that each personality is
unique and different, to focus on yourself,
and really live your life your own way.
These are the thoughts that gave birth to this brand.
Through【Own Words】, we hope to promote and inspire
as many people as possible to find your own words (way) and enrich your life.

Own Words
CEO Ryuta Hamamatsu

My Own Words

I have been passionately pursuing my dreams as an active soccer player for 20 years. I decided to launch this brand because I wanted to demonstrate my thoughts and feelings as well as a part of my own unique personality in a form that was different to soccer. The first series of Own Words is apparel.

Why apparel?
I wanted something that could be used commonly by people all around the world and at the same time convey my message through. The form of apparel achieves this, as it can be worn in any style, and promotes the concept.

Why apparel?
I wanted something that could be used commonly by people all around the world and at the same time convey my message through. The form of apparel achieves this, as it can be worn in any style, and promotes the concept.

Ultimately, we wish to establish a platform
that promotes positivity and encourage good deeds
all around the world through this organisation 【Own Words】